Wednesday, 28 April 2010


It's been a frustrating sort of day. Got a very early start and checked out Castor Mill, where there was no sign of the Ring Ouzel, on the way to the Hanglands. There, I failed to find anything new, although the potential remains high. At least 10 Nightingales, along with other singers was good though.

A lunchime search of King's Delph failed to reveal the hoped for Whinchat but revealed more Wheatears; still 6 at yesterdays site plus at least 3 about 1km to the east. Then I got a call that Paul Taylor had found a Whinchat at Serpentine BP.

Went home via Serpentine getting thoroughly lost in the Oron Malborne maze of cycleways and then heard Mike found one at Castor Mill, where presumably I could have picked it up if I'd looked properly first thing and saved myself a lot of trouble.

140 Whinchat

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