Thursday, 7 May 2009

Cattle Egret

Once again I was heading to Hampshire when a good bird turns up but I was back this morning and took a gamble on the Cattle Egrets still being there. A strong tail wind helped me get to the High Wash in 50 minutes and I quickly relocated one egret with the cattle on the Whittlesey side of the wash towards the eastern end. Then I faced the slog back to work into the wind but at least the rain had stopped by then. The traffic along the North Bank Road is utterly dreadful though.

125 Cattle Egret

In an intruiging postscript to this sighting two more Cattle Egrets arrived later in the day, making a total of three. If these were the two that were present the previous day then the one I found this morning was a totally new bird and the second time I've found the species in the PBC area.

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