Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Ringed Plover

Cycled in via Orton BP (which is due to produce a good bird any time now) and Crown Lakes. A vast levelled area between Crown Lakes and the Beebys Brick Pits is littlered with flooded pools and will certainly be worth checking once migration is under way. I'll make do with the Ringed Plover that was on there this morning.

The Little Owl was again on his favourite willow along the Billing Brook near Haddon this morning.

92. Ringed Plover

Cycled home via the gull roost at CEGB but failed to find anything other than the five common species. However birds seen on the way home did contribute towards a pretty large day list of 62 species - only one less than the day I biked out to the Nene Washes. It will be interesting to see what a full day on the bike could produce in May.

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